In this article, we summarise the Solicitors Regulation Authority’s (SRA) sanctions guidance and offer some practical solutions for firms to consider.
The SRA has provided guidance on how law firms are expected to comply with their legal and regulatory obligations concerning sanctions and, more specifically, the Sanctions and Money Laundering Act 2018 (SAMLA), which applies to all firms whether or not they perform sanctions guidance.
The fundamental principle, and why this applies to all law firms, is that SAMLA makes it an offence to pay or receive monies from a sanctioned person or provide assistance with the transfer of assets. To perform this service, strict requirements require a licence to be provided by the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI). Those practising in this area will be used to engaging with OFSI or relying on a pre-approved blanket certificate. Those who do not will be less familiar and risk falling foul of SAMLA with both regulatory and potentially criminal consequences.
The SRA has made it clear that if a firm engages with a sanctioned person and does not have the appropriate permission, it regards this to be a strict liability breach, and action will be taken. However, the SRA acknowledges this is a risk-based approach and a sanctions check is not compulsory (but is best practice). The SRA asks firms to ensure they do not confuse sanctions checks with checks performed under the MLR 2017, which are compulsory for certain work types.
The warning highlights to firms that sanctioned people and entities might seek to hide their status through:
They further list the types of firm that could be at risk as being:
The SRA drives firms to consider these risks as part of their Firm Wide Risk Assessment (MLR 2017 – Regulation 18 Risk Assessment), in which firms are already obliged to consider a host of risks relating to various topics and more specifically:
If the SRA does not regulate a firm for compliance with the MLR 2017 as they handle out of scope work, firms would be advised to perform a shorter risk assessment, which is documented, that sets out the risks of being exposed to sanctioned clients and matters. This would be a much shorter assessment.
Those firms who are regulated to perform work within the scope of the MLR 2017, as stated by the FWRA, should (and must) cover your assessment of sanction related risks.
The SRA has given some advice on some specific points:
It is also wise to consider the risk and individual or entity which originates from or is domiciled in a sanctioned country or country known to have a high level of fraud and corruption (FATF list) and decide whether a firm can act for a client from such a jurisdiction regardless of their personal sanctioned position or wider risks generally.
To read the full guidance you can click here: To see the current jurisdictions with a geographical sanctions regime in place you can click here: jurisdictions with a geographic sanctions regime in place.
The position is therefore clear and to summarise:
Compliance Services from The Strategic Partner
Paragon has partnered with regulation and compliance specialists, The Strategic Partner (TSP) to work with all types of firms from sole practitioners through to large multinationals. TSP can adapt its services to meet the specific requirements of each firm and, in their standard service, work with firms to discuss and deliver their Firm Wide, Client and Matter Risk Assessments.
To see more on how they can support your firm you can visit their website The Strategic Partner or view their packaged product brochures here:
You can view how their solutions assist hundreds of law firms in ensuring they are compliant with not just the requirements of SAMLA but the whole regulatory and compliance requirements for law firms.
For further information, please contact:
Janine Parker
T: +44 (0)20 7280 8207
M: +44 (0)7920 516 303
This article is published without responsibility on the part of the author or publishers for any loss occasioned by any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any views expressed in the article. Specific risk management advice requires detailed knowledge and analysis of each firm and practice area facts relating to the risk. The information included in this article cannot and does not attempt to satisfy this requirement for any of its readers.