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March 2024

LawSelect adds further insurers to its established Solicitors Professional Indemnity Solution.

LawSelect, Paragon’s leading exclusive Solicitors Professional Indemnity facility, is delighted to announce new underwriters to its panel.

Established in 2013, LawSelect has been unique in the Solicitors PI market, by creating a long term, sustainable solution that provides clients with stability and security. It is the only offering in the market that is backed by no less than eight A rated insurers. In addition to providing insurance, the facility also provides complimentary risk and business management support to its member firms.

We are proud to be backed by AEGIS Managing Agency Limited on behalf of Aegis E&O Consortium 4894, Probitas Managing Agency Limited (Syndicate PBS1492), Liberty Managing Agency Limited (Syndicate LIB 4472), Aspen Managing Agency Limited (Syndicate ASP 4711), Canopius Managing Agents Limited (Syndicate CNP4444), Hardy (Underwriting Agencies) Limited (Syndicate HDU 382), W R Berkley Syndicate Management Limited (Syndicate WRB 1967) and Asta Managing Agency Limited (Everest Syndicate EVE2786).

The fact that so many market leading underwriters have chosen to support LawSelect demonstrates how well our facility is respected and valued in the market.

LawSelect will only quote via Paragon, our Insurance Rates are Exclusive and cannot be accessed by any other broker.

If you would like to find out more about LawSelect and the additional support we provide our clients, please contact:

Janine Parker


T: +44 (0)20 7280 8207

M: +44 (0)7920 516 303

Ryan Senior

T +44 (0)20 7280 8254

M +44 (0)7827 575 652