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Information Pursuant to Article 45 of the Insurance Supervision Act – Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA)

The Swiss Insurance Supervision Act (ISA) regulates the supervision of insurance companies and insurance intermediaries. Among other things, it defines the information obligations of insurance intermediaries. The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA monitors compliance with the ISA.

What is the intermediary’s status?

Paragon International Insurance Brokers Limited is an untied insurance intermediary.

How can customers obtain information about the insurance intermediary’s staff qualifications and

Please contact for further information on all staff and
qualifications training.

Who can be held liable for negligence, errors or inaccurate information in connection with the insurance intermediary’s activities?

The individual insurance intermediary can be held directly liable.

How is the customer’s personal data processed?

Please click on this link to see our Data Privacy Notice and how the customer’s data is processed.